KLIA 1 & 2 Pick Up Location:
【KLIA Terminal 1 - Walk-in & Pick Up】 MTB-5-L14, Level 5, Departure Level, Main Terminal Building; 【KLIA Terminal 2 - Walk-In & Pick up】 Capsule Transit,Level 1 (CP1) Lot 1-5,gateway@KLIA2
KLIA 1 & 2 Pick Up Location:【KLIA Terminal 1 - Walk-in & Pick Up】 MTB-5-L14, Level 5, Departure Level, Main Terminal Building; 【KLIA Terminal 2 - Walk-In & Pick up】 Capsule Transit,Level 1 (CP1) Lot 1-5,gateway@KLIA2

5 Travel Hygiene Tips

2020 / 03 / 13 2319

Written by Hanlibubu


The most noteworthy thing all travellers need to keep in mind while travelling is to always maintain your health and hygiene. As the saying goes, “Health is wealth”. It is not always easy to maintain travel hygiene while on the road, especially when traveling to rural areas where access to basic amenities isn’t available; however, you can still prepare yourself properly to avoid falling ill. There are five main aspects that you need to pay attention to when it comes to maintaining your hygiene on the road.


So here are a few hacks that along with maintaining your hygiene, will also improve your spirits and overall health!


1.Wash Your Hands Often

Ask yourself if you ever bring along a hand sanitizer with you while you travel. If you don’t, you are going to be at a high risk of getting sick easily. It is common sense to sanitize your hands before eating street food or when there’s no place to wash your hands. 


Here are a couple of reasons. Firstly, you are 100 times more likely to catch a cold while flying as germs spread much quicker in these conditions and one of the best ways to prevent this is to keep your hands clean. Moreover, your immune system will be weaker when traveling to a new country that has a very different climate of what you’re used to. Hence, keeping a hand sanitiser handy is critical to stopping nasty germs from spreading. In most cases, washing your hands with hot and soapy water is the best option for preventing the spread of germs. Yet, if soap and clean water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer instead. 


Don’t forget to always wash hands after using the toilet, touching the doorknob, before and after handling a pad, and after touching animals. Squirt and rub before a restaurant meal, and where possible after touching anything everyone else touches. For instance, at the ATM, a souvenir shop, door handles, shopping trolleys, and so on.

2. Be Cautious of What You Share


Infections can spread easily so beware of sharing public things such as hotel towels, face towels, bedsheets, pillows, and silverwares. If you don’t mind bringing extra weight, you can always consider taking a travel towel with you. Remember to check your accommodations for cleanliness. A room that is visibly dirty or smells isn’t a good sign. All your personal hygiene efforts could be of little use if your surroundings are germy. 

3.Maintain Facial Hygiene and Breath


Keeping your face clean and fresh should be your number one priority. I would carry some baby wipes with me while traveling. Trust me, these will come in handy for many reasons. Use the baby wipes to wipe down your face if you’re ever in a situation where you can’t wash your face. It will help wash away any oils and dirt that build up overnight or throughout the day. Don’t forget to bring lip balm and moisturiser if you’re traveling to a place where the temperature is very high and could potentially dry out your skin.


Interestingly, according to a Skyscanner, a poll of more than 1,000 people (19 percent) felt that “those with bad breath” made the worst seatmates. Thus, make sure to keep some deodorant, travel-friendly collapsible toothbrush, a toothpaste, mouthwash and dental floss in your travel bag. After a long flight, there’s nothing better than feeling fresh and clean once again. The best way to avoid bad breath is to avoid eating onion and garlic before a flight and binge on mints and gums. You can also pack a pocket-size Listerine to keep your mouth fresh on your trip and brush your teeth at least twice a day, including flossing. 


4.Safe Toilet Use

Finding a clean and decent restroom while on the road especially in countries down under can be a nightmare. To be on the safe side, opt for toilets that are frequently used, as they are also more frequently cleaned. Equip yourself with ample wet wipes and toilet paper if you’re visiting rural areas that might not have such facilities.


Likewise, try not to touch anything and avoid sitting on toilet seats. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and clean your hands immediately after you’ve used a washroom to avoid getting infected. 

5.Menstruation Hygiene Tips


If you’re a girl traveling on your period, it might be an unfortunate experience especially if you have bad menstrual cramps. This is never easy but there are a few basic tips you can follow. For starters, always carry a supply of clean pads or tampons and make sure you keep it in a dry place. Don’t forget to change your pad every 6 hours if you’re moving a lot. 


If you are experienced enough, consider getting a reusable menstrual cup but make sure that it isn’t too small if you have a heavy flow as these products come in different sizes. Do sterilize them after used and keep them clean and hygiene at all times.

“Be a Smart Traveller”


Isn’t it crazy how the little things can make such a difference when you’re traveling? These tips may look very simple but are highly essential to maintain a certain hygiene level during your trip. It is definitely crucial to maintain personal hygiene while traveling for ourselves and for those around us.

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