Roamingman Pick Up Location:
【KLIA Terminal 1 - Walk-in & Pick Up】 MTB-5-L14, Level 5, Departure Level, Main Terminal Building; 【KLIA Terminal 2 - Walk-In & Pick up】L3-59A, Level 3, Departure Level, Door 1, KLIA Terminal 2
Roamingman Pick Up Location:【KLIA Terminal 1 - Walk-in & Pick Up】 MTB-5-L14, Level 5, Departure Level, Main Terminal Building; 【KLIA Terminal 2 - Walk-In & Pick up】L3-59A, Level 3, Departure Level, Door 1, KLIA Terminal 2
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RM48.00 South Korea eSIM | 5 Days | 2GB/Day | Instant Email Delivery 2GB of high-speed 4G data daily,To use eSIM, your device must be carrier unlocked and eSIM compatible.QR Code Redemption Valid for 30 Days
South Korea eSIM | 5 Days | 2GB/Day | Instant Email Delivery
2GB of high-speed 4G data daily,To use eSIM, your device must be carrier unlocked and eSIM compatible.QR Code Redemption Valid for 30 Days

Delivery: Please allow us to arrange the delivery for you within 7 days. pick up. KLIA Terminal 1: MTB-5-L14, Level 5, Departure Level, Main Terminal Building (end of Row K, next to International Departure Gate C/Opposite of Guardian) KLIA Terminal 2:L3-59A, Level 3, Departure Level, gateway@klia2 activation time follows GMT +8 Malaysia time

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